Thursday 17 November 2016

Blood Brothers Lesson 1

As I am playing Edward I would use a loud, clear and confident voice so everybody can here me. I would do this because I am playing a wealthy character who is in the middle class.

Also when I speak I would make my voice high pitch because I am playing a 7 year old kid. As well as that I would use  simple vocabulary and not big words as I am a child.

When I am talking to Mickey, I would be trying to be friends with him so I would speak to him calmly and in a friendly way. My movement would be confident and energetic. my facial expression would be happy and smiley because I'm happy about finding a new friend.

I would interact with Mickey by asking him if he would like to play with me or go and sit down and chat and try to get to know each other a little better.
As well as that we hope that the audience know what type of class Mickey and I are in and if they don't we have to try even harder so they know where we are.  


1 comment:

  1. Detail and examples needed - did you use the learning mat?

    ASSESSMENT for Interpretation 1 – Understand the role of the actor.
    Identify the motivation or objective of a specific character A
    Describe how a line could be spoken, giving clear reasons A
    Describe how a character should move, giving clear reasons A
    Describe how a character should interact with other characters A
    Analyse how performance ideas make an audience think or feel A
    Evaluate ideas linking to message, theme, style or context R
    Below National Standard
    H/W 2

    T Identify the motivation or objective of a specific character
    To achieve this explain specifically what your character wants in the scene described and in the play or their life generally. Suggest why.
    T Describe how a line could be spoken, giving clear reasons
    To achieve this you need to refer to a specific line a character speaks or could speak by quoting and use key words to describe your use of voice (pitch, pace, pause, tone, volume, accent). You then need to explain exactly why the character should speak in this way.

    L Comment below: here means ... here means ...
