Saturday 26 November 2016

Blood Brothers 2: Script Writing

(Knock knock, Edward is at the door waiting to come in, and then Mickey opens the door)
Edward: Oh hi Mickey! , how are you, I haven’t seen you in like forever, oh my god I missed you so much!
Mickey: Hi I guess
Edward: Are you looking forward to Christmas  
Mickey: I guess so
Edward: what is wrong Mickey?
Mickey: Nothing I'm fine!
Edward: I know that look something up isn't it I know that look mick   
Edward: Are you sure
Mickey: . . . (Mickey pauses for a few seconds)
Mickey: NO, do you remember Linda
Edward: Yeh, why
Mickey: because she is pregnant because of me
Edward: ok . . .
Mickey: And we are getting married in a few weeks
Edward: why did you do it you knew I liked her  
Edward: Ugh I'm so annoyed with you!
Mickey: I'm sorry
Edward: Sorry not enough
Mickey: how come  
Edward: Because I loved her!
Mickey: Oh
(Edward storms at the door and slams it shut behind him) 
Edward: you can spend your Christmas without me!

Thursday 17 November 2016

Blood Brothers Lesson 1

As I am playing Edward I would use a loud, clear and confident voice so everybody can here me. I would do this because I am playing a wealthy character who is in the middle class.

Also when I speak I would make my voice high pitch because I am playing a 7 year old kid. As well as that I would use  simple vocabulary and not big words as I am a child.

When I am talking to Mickey, I would be trying to be friends with him so I would speak to him calmly and in a friendly way. My movement would be confident and energetic. my facial expression would be happy and smiley because I'm happy about finding a new friend.

I would interact with Mickey by asking him if he would like to play with me or go and sit down and chat and try to get to know each other a little better.
As well as that we hope that the audience know what type of class Mickey and I are in and if they don't we have to try even harder so they know where we are.