Tuesday 27 December 2016

Autumn 2 Assessment blood brothers

Jo Yang, Melissa https://youtu.be/gdK0gcxVwX8

 In our assessment me and Jo Yang  performed well but in some parts I kind of forgot my lines. So if I practiced more o would remember  what I had to say. Also in our performance all of the time I was standing in the same place  I should of moved around a bit more than I did.  So overall I think I tried my hardest but I could have a little bit more confidence in myself.


Saturday 26 November 2016

Blood Brothers 2: Script Writing

(Knock knock, Edward is at the door waiting to come in, and then Mickey opens the door)
Edward: Oh hi Mickey! , how are you, I haven’t seen you in like forever, oh my god I missed you so much!
Mickey: Hi I guess
Edward: Are you looking forward to Christmas  
Mickey: I guess so
Edward: what is wrong Mickey?
Mickey: Nothing I'm fine!
Edward: I know that look something up isn't it I know that look mick   
Edward: Are you sure
Mickey: . . . (Mickey pauses for a few seconds)
Mickey: NO, do you remember Linda
Edward: Yeh, why
Mickey: because she is pregnant because of me
Edward: ok . . .
Mickey: And we are getting married in a few weeks
Edward: why did you do it you knew I liked her  
Edward: Ugh I'm so annoyed with you!
Mickey: I'm sorry
Edward: Sorry not enough
Mickey: how come  
Edward: Because I loved her!
Mickey: Oh
(Edward storms at the door and slams it shut behind him) 
Edward: you can spend your Christmas without me!

Thursday 17 November 2016

Blood Brothers Lesson 1

As I am playing Edward I would use a loud, clear and confident voice so everybody can here me. I would do this because I am playing a wealthy character who is in the middle class.

Also when I speak I would make my voice high pitch because I am playing a 7 year old kid. As well as that I would use  simple vocabulary and not big words as I am a child.

When I am talking to Mickey, I would be trying to be friends with him so I would speak to him calmly and in a friendly way. My movement would be confident and energetic. my facial expression would be happy and smiley because I'm happy about finding a new friend.

I would interact with Mickey by asking him if he would like to play with me or go and sit down and chat and try to get to know each other a little better.
As well as that we hope that the audience know what type of class Mickey and I are in and if they don't we have to try even harder so they know where we are.  


Monday 31 October 2016

Darkwood Manor 3 “As a director”

As a director in order to prepare my actors to perform the scene where the girl reads the letter, I would use hot-seat for the actors who were playing the people who want to enter the Darkwood Manor. I would ask them questions on why they wanted to go and visit the house,  was it for the money , to prove a point or to prove they were brave.
Also during our performance we could also use improvisation. Because in our performance we could go back in time (which we do) we have to make some bits look bigger and more important.
As well as that I can also use the stage type in the round, when you use in the round the audience sit in a circle. Its quite hard because most of the time you can't have your back to the audience, this will  not be very nice seeing our backs all of the time.
In our performance we can make some scenes, scary because at the end all of the lights "turn off" and when they turn back on all of the statuses are pointing at us and we all scream. That might make some people in the audience jump too.
The theme  in our play/scene was horror so we had to make it as scary as possible to try to scare the audience, this will make it interesting and exciting for them to watch.  







Friday 16 September 2016

Title: Darkwood Manor 1

Body as Prop Using the actors’ bodies to create objects instead of characters.

Tension The excitement felt by the audience, especially when they are waiting for something to happen.

Atmosphere The emotion associated with a place or location in drama.

Soundscape A combination of sound effects which suggests a location and atmosphere to the audience.
Projection  Making your voice loud enough for the audience to hear, even in a large space (not shouting)

Monologue  A single person speaking.

Sound effects All the sounds used in the drama which are not voices or music.  

In the round  A combination of sound effects which suggests a location and atmosphere to the audience.Staging where the audience surround the actors.

Rumour A story which is passed from person to person, and sometimes gets changed or exaggerated.