Monday 6 March 2017

As a director


As a director, I would hot-seat the actors and ask them question about themselves, like who their friends are and what they are like so we know more about them.   We could also learn about their backstories and there life when they was growing up to see if it was good or bad for example I would ask them how they were treated at home and if that reflected on how they acted now . I could also make my actors show the audience a really scene of what there life was like in the past or it could be a freeze frame.

I will use in the round so when the actors perform the play I will make sure that none of them have their back to the audience so the will have to move around most of the time so the audience can see their face and not there backs. Also when performing I have to make sure that all of the people acting have a loud voice, don’t have their backs to the audience, remember their lines, to understand the role you have got, to have the correct facial expressions and if they come in at the right time. In the performance the characters have to show their emotions by showing facial expressions and body language.

Thursday 23 February 2017

DNA 1 Research 2 different stage types within the theatre. Compare and contrast the differences.

Image result for stage types
In the theatre you have 5 different types of staging they are the Thrust stage which they use in some fashion shows, The Arena stage which they use in the Circus, The Proscenium stage, Amphitheater which is outside in the open, The proscenium stage and the Black box theatre.  The arena stage is arranged around the stage it has all the seats arranged at least three sides around a central stageThe Thrust stage is a stage that extends into the auditorium so that the audience is seated around three sides.